
Who Is The Only Irish Person That Barack Obama Follows On Twitter?

Who Is The Only Irish Person That Barack Obama Follows On Twitter?

For the past six and a half years, the twitter account of the President of the United States has been handled by various flunkeys in the Oval Office.

For the past half decade, they have been tweeting out soppy, characterless platitudes and partisan political points.

But now, Barack Hussein Obama has been let loose with his own twitter account. He has at last been given the logins.

Followers of the @potus twitter account will be rewarded with unmediated access to the President's thoughts and innermost desires. The fervent wish of most is that he leaves the politics to the newspapers.

Roughly an hour after his first tweet, @potus has, at latest refresh, a cool 291k followers. This will likely have increased exponentially by the time you finish reading this.

He has thus far opted to follow no fewer than 65 privileged souls. Scrolling down his list of followers is thus not an onerous task.

And amid all the Ivy league institutions, US government departments, Democratic senators, Chicago sports teams and former Presidents, one finds an Irish person of some repute.

Snubbing both Niall Horan and Una Mullally, @potus follows American accented but Dublin born diplomat Samantha Power.

Power was born in Castleknock, where she lived to the age of nine. She was educated in Mount Anville montessori school in Goatstown.

As US ambassador to the United Nations, she is a perhaps unsurprising winner of the 'first Irish person Barack Obama chose to follow' tag.

Also Read: Barack Obama And Bill Clinton Have Really Gotten The Hang Of This Twitter Craic

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Conor Neville
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Perennial finalist in stand-up comedy competitions and former Contract Lawyer/ Coal Salesman with Corless, Corless and Sweeney