
The New York Times Issue A Response To Outrage In Ireland

The New York Times Issue A Response To Outrage In Ireland

The New York Times article on the tragic balcony collapse in Berkeley provoked outrage this morning.

The article used the tragedy to hone in on the J1 programme and criticised the behaviour of Irish students who avail of the programme.

The paper has been accused of victim blaming. Government minister Aodhan O'Riordan called the article 'a disgrace'.

One of the contributors to the article, Quentin Hardy, has deleted his own tweet advertising the article.


'Public editor' Margaret Sullivan is the woman tasked with answering these complaints. She and others in the Times have been tweeted

She has responded in the past few minutes letting people know she is aware of the weight of feeling here.

We await a fuller response...

Conor Neville
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Perennial finalist in stand-up comedy competitions and former Contract Lawyer/ Coal Salesman with Corless, Corless and Sweeney