
Sabrina The Teenage Witch Is A Big Fan Of A Certain Irish Wrestler

Sabrina The Teenage Witch Is A Big Fan Of A Certain Irish Wrestler

Melissa Joan Hart has a very active twitter account. Furthermore, she is very generous in the follows department.

Indeed, she follows a colleague in this office. We have deduced from this that she is a fan of FIFA games and the former Sky One series 'Dream Team'.

Professional wrestling is also clearly a preoccupation. Last night, Bray wrestler Finn Balor received the seal of approval from Sabrina the Teenage Witch herself.

Praise indeed. Interestingly, it remains a fevered debate in the circles in which this writer moves, as to whether Clarissa or Sabrina the Teenage Witch represents her greatest work.

Which do people even remember her for? An Apester poll has been constructed so as to ascertain the truth on this. Please take part...



Conor Neville
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Perennial finalist in stand-up comedy competitions and former Contract Lawyer/ Coal Salesman with Corless, Corless and Sweeney