
Video: Shit Got Real For Colin Farrell During A Joke True Detective Game

Video: Shit Got Real For Colin Farrell During A Joke True Detective Game

Jimmy Fallon never lets us down when it comes to his comedic games and this time is no different. He plays a "game of deception" called True Confessions with True Detective stars, Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn and with the highly anticipated second season premiering on Sky Atlantic on Monday 22nd June this will keep fans happy until then.

With two envelopes, one lie, one truth and a 60 second interrogation session, the video won't let you down, and you will learn some things you probably didn't need to know about all three gentlemen. For example, Colin Farrell revealed he was brought in for questioning by police in Australia as a suspect in an attempted murder when he was younger.

There's something you don't expect to learn during one of Jimmy Fallon's comedy games.

Mallorie Ronan

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