
Why This Couple Will Divorce If Same-Sex Marriage Is Legalised In Australia

Why This Couple Will Divorce If Same-Sex Marriage Is Legalised In Australia

This same-sex marriage thing is really weeding out the idiots. Brace yourselves.

A married couple in Canberra have announced their intention to divorce if gay couples are allowed to marry in Australia.

Nick Jensen, who posed with his wife Sarah on the cover of the latest Canberra CityNews, writes of the couple’s decision to end their marriage under the headline, “Gay law change may force us to divorce."


My wife and I just celebrated our 10-year anniversary. But later this year, we may be getting a divorce,

writes Jensen.

The decision to divorce is not one we’ve taken lightly. And certainly, it’s not one that many will readily understand.

Jensen goes on to explain the divorce plan, where the couple will still live together, have more kids, and refer to each other as husband and wife, but will legally end their marriage because they believe “marriage is not a human invention,” which of course it actually literally is.

Do tell us more, Nick.

Our view is that marriage is a fundamental order of creation. Part of God’s human history. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman before a community in the sight of God. And marriage of any couple is important to God regardless of whether that couple recognises God’s involvement or authority in it.

He should probably have a quick glance over God's Official 'Top 10 Things Not To Do Ever' list, where homosexuality was considered a less unholy offence than, say, coveting your neighbour's oxen, or saying 'Christ!' when your phone falls out of your pocket into a cup of tea.

If our federal parliament votes to change the timeless and organic definition of marriage later on this year, it will have moved against the fundamental and foundational building block of Australian society and, indeed, human culture everywhere,

he continues.

Jaysus. Wow. If you're still reading this, fair play to you.

Facebook commenters on the Canberra CityNews page were quite vociferous in their criticism of the fine magazine's decision to publish the article.

Natalie Sarah wrote,

This is absolutely disgusting, not to mention homophobic. I can’t believe such an article was published. You should be ashamed and you definitely owe to gay community an apology.

The magazine's editor defended his decision, deeming the couple's take to be 'newsworthy' if not the shared view of the publication itself.

As is occasionally directed at The Sliced Pan,

'It must have been a slow news day, lads.'

Gavan Casey
Article written by
Former handwriting champion. Was violently bitten by a pelican at Fota Wildlife Park in 2001.

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