
Here's What And Who 18-34 Year-Olds Are Into On Pornhub

Here's What And Who 18-34 Year-Olds Are Into On Pornhub

Millennials are mad about lesbians, Kim Kardashian and Cosplay according to Pornhub's latest data but are becoming less and less interested in Mandingo, long nipples and Kay Parker.

There's a sentence I didn't think I'd be writing today.

Pornhub has released a wad of stats on how those aged between 18 and 34 interact with their site - an age group that makes up 60% of all their traffic. What have they found out? Well loads about preferred devices and other boring stuff but what's more interesting are the different topics and actors site visitors are into.

In terms of the most searched terms, 'lesbian,' 'teen' and 'step mom' top the list.




When we look at the most popular stars on the site, it comes as little surprise that Kim Kardashian tops the list, followed by 2015 sensation Mia Khalifa, and all round fun woman Lisa Ann.


I presume that isn't Pinky of Pinky and the Brain fame?

Meanwhile Irish 18-34 year-olds actually make 64% of the overall traffic from Ireland but there wasn't any specific behaviour data given for us in this batch of insights.

Maybe next time. We wait with bated breath.

Mark Farrelly
Article written by
Cavan bureau chief. Former Miss World 1997 contestant.

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