
Here's What Your Ringtone Says About You

Here's What Your Ringtone Says About You

You can learn a lot about a person from the type of ringtone they have on their phone, so here are some of the various humans out there, as identified by the sound on their phone that solidifies their popularity.

1. The Stock Ringtone


If you couldn't even be bothered to change your ringtone from the one that it is automatically set to, you're lazy, unimaginative and boring, and more than likely don't care about other humans, or the annoyance your ringtone causes.

2. Silent With Vibration

You have taken the first step in being considerate of others but the fact every slight notification you get comes with the sound of a bee buzzing loudly would lead us to believe you are the sneaky sort who likes to pretend they are being a good colleague with a silent phone but still highlighting the fact that you're in high demand.

3. Silent

You're a godsend, the best type of human, and you should be rewarded each morning with a guard of honour as you walk in the door.

4. The Animal Noise


You're the wannabe legend. You thought it was a great idea at the time and that people would laugh and think you were too cool for school when they heard the duck quacking loudly. But no,  you are not cool, and you'll soon realise the full repercussions of your outrageous mistake when your phone starts going off loudly on a crowded bus and, embarrassed, you root ferociously to shut the duck up.

5. The Favourite Song

You're the obsessive fan-girl. Ok, so you absolutely LOVE Taylor Swift - Bad Blood but having it as your ringtone is just annoying. I mean, what are you, 12? Fine, it shows your commitment to her but when it just plays a tiny segment, the same segment every time your phone goes off it gets a bit irritating, and it also gives people false hope that they are listening to the song in it's entirety. Don't do it.

6. The Whistle

If your ringtone is the demonic whistle, damn you to hell. You're the worst type of human and you should be banned from possessing any means of mobile telephone communication.

* Honourable mention goes to The Keypad Clickers - You think it is perfectly acceptable to sit in a silent room and ferociously type an essay of a text while your keypad sounds like it's belting out Morse code with its constant clicking. NOT ok.

Mallorie Ronan

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