
A Short Rant About How Shit These Rubbers Were

A Short Rant About How Shit These Rubbers Were


Firstly, should mention that I feel these don't even deserve the title of 'eraser' because the only thing they had the potential to erase was cement from the primary school playground. These evil little pencil case dwellers couldn't have been less fit for purpose.

The pink/orange 'soft' side was supposedly used to erase light pencil marks from the page but sure we all know that wasn't the case. It just left a pink tinged mess and the outline of the word(s) you tried so desperately to get rid of. The blue side may as well have been the devil himself as the only purpose it served was to tear apart any form of paper it touched. It never got rid of the pen and it left a grubby black stain on the page (if you were lucky) or ripped apart your perfectly scripted, joint handwritten 'News of the Day' section from your copy book.


Plenty of tears were shed throughout Irish schools and homes over this demonic creation so the creation of the smooth white rubber that ACTUALLY did it's job brought joy to all.

Mallorie Ronan

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