
A Map Of Ireland According To Price Obsessions


It seems Irish people are obsessed with the cost of alcohol, diesel, funerals and balayage hairstyles but not with the price of turnips according to this brilliant map from

It was created by simply searching 'How much does * cost in X' and using the search engine's alogrithm to determine the most popular things an area searches for.

They've even broken the Irish results down into more specific areas:


So Donegal people are mad about the price of diesel; most probably wonder if they should fill up in the north, while many prospective hen partys appear to be doing their research on Kilkenny before committing.

The would also seem to be a massive increase in the amount of people deciding they need to learn how to drive in Limerick.

Unfortunately Google doesn't present much data for other areas in Ireland apart from those shown above. Otherwise I'd be confident 'How much does silage wrap cost?' would show up somewhere.

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Mark Farrelly
Article written by
Cavan bureau chief. Former Miss World 1997 contestant.

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