
This Man Dressed Up As His Girlfriend To Sit Her Exam - It Didn't End Well

This Man Dressed Up As His Girlfriend To Sit Her Exam - It Didn't End Well

Chivalry isn't dead, but intelligence might be.

Mad romantic Ayan Zhademov - 20 year old man from Kazakhstan - has been caught sitting an exam for his girlfriend, who was too nervous to complete it herself.

Aww, cute, right? Only until you see the pictures, which will haunt your dreams for the foreseeable future.



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Given the uncanny disguise, a spokesperson for the examinations board revealed the one mistake Ayan made which ultimately gave up the ghost:

He tried speaking in a high voice, but it was obvious then that he was a male.

Ah, feck. Despite the controversy and subsequent £1,400 fine, the romantic nature of the story has resonated with many of his girlfriend's classmates, who must have been cracking the shites laughing as 'she' handed up her student ID.

Fellow student Dariga Nesterova said,

It was stupid but very romantic.

Sometimes love leads us to do silly things, I wish my boyfriend was this romantic.

I mean, if he was that romantic he could have at least shaved his legs, surely.

A local businessman offered to pay half of the £1,400 fine after hearing the story, but the girl will now have to wait until next year to sit her exam.

It's still a hell of a lot better than being caught cheating during the Leaving Cert, where you can't sit another state exam - including your driving test - for another 180 years, if some people are to be believed.

Gavan Casey
Article written by
Former handwriting champion. Was violently bitten by a pelican at Fota Wildlife Park in 2001.

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